There are more rules for hunting coyotes in Delaware than will be taken by predator hunters there this year. Annually, as few as five are harvested each year.

In Delaware, the coyote hunting season runs from September 1 to February 28. Coyotes may be harvested with compound, recurve, longbow, crossbow, shotgun, muzzleloading rifle, rimfire, or centerfire rifle up to .25 caliber.
Purchase a license here.
Check out the Delaware hunting seasons.
Learnt he laws for hunting fox in Delaware here.
The rules for hunting coyotes in Delaware.
There are a few regulations listed below, but you bear full responsibility for learning any other laws, checking for updates before hunting, and adhering to any other state requirements. This material is provided for background information only.
Landowners may harvest coyotes when there is an imminent threat, causing injury to humans, livestock, or domestic animals.
Hunting coyotes at night or on a Sunday in Delaware is unlawful.
Anyone that shoots or traps a coyote must report the harvest by contacting the Division of Fish and Wildlife at 302-735-3600 by the close of business on the day following the harvest. Harvest reports are an important way for Division biologists to track coyote distribution and abundance across the state.
It will be unlawful to hunt coyotes with any firearm that is not also legal for deer hunting during any deer firearms season, except coyotes may never be harvested with a straight-walled pistol-caliber rifle or handgun. Hides of coyotes legally taken may be sold.
Tips for hunting coyotes in Delaware.
Connecticut does not allow hunting coyotes at night.
With no night hunting option, you will have to master the craft of calling in what might be a well-fed, sleeping coyote.
Therefore the following articles are strongly recommended, especially for new predator hunters.
- 3 open reed coyote calls you can learn now.
- How to master the best closed reed coyote call.
- Coyote calling sounds your successful pals keep secret.
Check electronic predator caller prices here.
You need a different strategy for hunting coyotes in Delaware during the day.
Let’s face it; coyotes move a lot more at night. The only way to increase your odds of success is to locate their habitat, find their dens, maximize the property you have, and get access to more property.
Locate their habitat.
- Learn how to track coyote sign here.
- Learn what coyotes eat throughout the year here.
Find a coyote’s den.
- Learn how to recognize and locate a coyote’s den here.
Maximize the property you already have access to.
- Don’t over hunt what you have already. Here are some tips to avoid over hunting a location.
- Learn how far you have to move between stands here.
Get more land to hunt coyotes on.
- Read here to discover 8 ways to get permission to hunt private property.
You will need a decoy, check coyote decoy prices here.
Did you know, all my predator hunting books are worthless for Delaware predator hunters? That’s because they all deal with night hunting! But, you can find other predator hunting books here.
Prohibited methods when coyote hunting in Delaware.
You may not use the following methods when hunting in Delaware.
- Hunt out-of-season, without a license, take more than the daily limit, or possess unlawfully killed game.
- Hunt within 100 yards of an occupied structure (unless hunter is the owner or occupant, or has permission from the owner or occupant) or drop shot on buildings or people. When hunting deer with archery equipment, a hunter must be at least 50 yards from a structure. In New Castle County, north of I-295 and I-95 the distance is 200 yards when hunting with a firearm.
- Discharge any firearm from or within 15 yards of public road or shoot across a public road or right-of-way.
- Trespass with gun or dog or trap on private property without prior permission of the landowner whether or not the land is “posted.”
- Damage any nest, den, or lair of game animals or birds.
- Use an artificial light to illuminate wildlife from a motor vehicle for the purpose of hunting or observation.
- Use night vision or infrared devices while hunting.
Landowners may take harmful coyotes all year in Delaware.
Coyote Depredation Order
The Department has determined that the coyote, Canis latrans, can be seriously injurious to livestock, domestic animals, or human safety and hereby pre-authorizes pursuant to Delaware Code Title 7, Chapter 7, Subchapter VIII, $ 802:
- Landowners or their agent(s) in the State of Delaware to use deadly force on said landowner’s property to take coyotes under circumstances that present an imminent threat of injury to human beings, livestock, or domestic animals, or where coyotes are in the act of causing such injury, subject to the following conditions:
1) Coyotes may be so taken all year (from January 1 through December 31).
2) Coyotes may be so taken with rimfire or centerfire rifle up to .25 caliber, shotgun, muzzle-loading rifle/shotgun, longbow, or crossbow.
3) Firearms, including archery equipment, shall be used in accordance and in compliance with all state and local firearm laws, regulations, or ordinances.
4) The individual so taking a coyote(s) under this Order shall report such take to the Division of Fish & Wildlife within one business day by telephoning (302) 735-3600 and provide information to include the location of and reason for take, with such information to be used by the Division in determining the distribution and abundance of coyotes for the purpose of evaluating coyote impact on landowners and appropriate management approaches.