Do you need to know the rules for hunting coyotes in Florida? Hey, everyone eventually retires and moves to the warmer climes of Florida, right? Well, coyotes stared moving to Florida in the 1970’s. Today they reside in every county.

In Florida, licensed hunters may take coyotes as furbearers year-round on private property with landowner permission by rifle, shotgun, pistol, muzzleloader, air gun, crossbow, or bow. On Wildlife management areas, a management area permit is also required.
Purchase a Florida hunting license here.
Check out the Florida hunting seasons.
Related: Learn the rules for hunting bobcats in Florida.
The basic rules for hunting coyotes in Florida.
Suppressors are legal. You may use while hunting coyotes.
Electronic callers are legal. Check out this article for the two coyotes call sounds experienced hunters use.
Read this article and watch the video to learn how to use a closed reed rabbit squealer.
Follow along as call manufacturer Brian Rush shows you three open reed calls you can learn and use today.
You can check Amazon for electronic predator caller prices here.
Decoys are legal. You can read about some highly effective but inexpensive ($20) coyotes decoys here.
Lights and night vision, infrared, and thermal riflescopes are permitted.
Using a simple scope mounted light is inexpensive—but truly an exciting way to hunt coyotes. Read this article to choose the right color of light for night hunting predators.
Infrared scopes have their value (better target identification compared to thermal), but they can get pricey. Beginners should consider the ATN X-Sight 4K Pro, but read this article before buying one.
A thermal riflescope will set you back thousands of dollars. You must wait until you have determined you are addicted to coyote or predator hunting before buying one. For new hunters, I recommend the ATN Thor 4 (good for up to 150 yards). Please check out my article on ATN Thor 4 scope before buying one.
Hunting coyotes in Florida on Wildlife Management Areas.
Management area permit: Required, in addition to a Florida hunting license, when taking or attempting to take wildlife on wildlife management areas, wildlife, and environmental areas and some public small-game hunting areas. A management area permit is also an annual pass on wildlife management areas where the FWC requires a daily use fee.
If you do not have local access to a MWA, you need to maximize the property you have available to you.
Learn how not to over hunt a property here.
Learn how far apart your stands must be here.
Learn how to ask for permission to hunt private land here.
Trespassing is a big no-no, Florida.
The possession of a hunting license does not authorize a person to trespass onto private land. Obtain landowner’s permission before entering private land. Trespassing while possessing a firearm or other dangerous weapon is a felony punishable by imprisonment up to five years and/or a fine of up to $5,000.
Baiting appears to be illegal. It would be advisable to check with your local authority to confirm.
There are many other laws pertaining to hunting in Florida. Make sure you research them all before you make your first stand. Laws change, your responsibility to hunt legally does not.