The rules for hunting coyotes in Arizona can sometimes be confusing. The Arizona Game & Fish Department estimates that about 200,000 coyotes live in the state, making some study of the law worthwhile. Please check for updates before you make your first stand.

Coyotes are classified as predators in Arizona coyotes and have a year-round hunting season. A valid license is required. Night hunting coyotes with artificial light is legal. The use of night vision, infrared, and thermal scopes is prohibited.
Night hunting coyotes In Arizona. Coyotes may be taken at night with the aid of artificial light; however, the light may not be attached to or operated from a vehicle
Purchase a license here.
Learn the rules for hunting bobcats in Arizona.
Learn the rules for hunting fox in Arizona.
YES! Use artificial light when hunting coyotes in Arizona.
With no ability to hunt coyotes using night vision, thermal, or infrared riflescopes, you might be tempted to avoid night hunting them all together.
That’s a mistake. An artificial light is a far cheaper, and some would say, much more effective way to take coyotes at night.
Check out what Wicked Lights can do at night without spending thousands of dollars.
Related: What is the best time to hunt a coyote? Read the best hours of the day to call in a coyote.
Related: Read this article to learn how to hunt predators with a shotgun.
Rules for hunting coyotes in Arizona.
With no enhanced riflescope option, you will have to master the craft of calling in what might be a well-fed, sleeping coyote.
Therefore the following articles are strongly recommended, especially for new predator hunters.
- Coyote calling sounds your successful pals keep secret.
- 3 open reed coyote calls you can learn now.
- How to master the best closed reed coyote call.
Check electronic predator caller prices here.
You need a different strategy for hunting coyotes in New Mexico during the day.
Let’s face it; coyotes move a lot more at night. The only way to increase your odds of success is to locate their habitat, find their dens, maximize the property you have, and get access to more property.
Locate their habitat.
- Learn what coyotes eat throughout the year here.
- Learn how to track coyote sign here.
Find a coyote’s den.
- Learn how to recognize and locate a coyote’s den here.
Maximize the property you already have access to.
- Learn how far you have to move between stands here.
- Don’t over hunt what you have already. Here are some tips to avoid over hunting a location.
Get more land to hunt coyotes on.
- Read here to discover 8 ways to get permission to hunt private property.
The worst law regarding hunting coyotes in Arizona.
Per R12-4-304, an individual shall not use or possess any electronic night vision equipment, electronically enhanced light-gathering devices, thermal imaging devices or laser sights while taking wildlife: except for devices such as laser range finders, scopes with self-illuminating reticles, and fiber optic sights with self-illuminating sights or pins that do not project a visible light onto an animal.
Legal methods of hunting coyotes in Arizona.
A person may take predatory and fur-bearing animals by using the following methods, when authorized by Commission Order and subject to the restrictions under R12-4-303 and R12-4-318:
1. Firearms;
2. Pre-charged pneumatic weapons .22 caliber or larger;
3. Bow and arrow;
4. Crossbow;
5. Traps not prohibited under R12-4-307;
6. Artificial light while taking raccoon provided the light is not attached to or operated from a motor vehicle, motorized watercraft, watercraft under sail, or floating object towed by a motorized watercraft or a watercraft under sail;
7. Artificial light while taking coyote during seasons with day-long hours, provided the light is not attached to or operated from a motor vehicle, motorized watercraft, watercraft under sail, or floating object towed by a motorized watercraft or a watercraft under sail; and
8. Dogs