This page of Michigan hunting seasons is updated annually. While focuses on coyotes, fox, and bobcats, it is hoped other game hunters will take up predator hunting as well. We suggest you check out these predator hunting links specific to the state of Michigan:
Purchase a hunting license in Michigan here.
Learn the rules for hunting coyotes in Michigan.
Learn the rules for hunting bobcats in Michigan.
Learn the rules for hunting fox in Michigan.

Michigan hunting seasons for bear in 2022-2023.

When is it legal for me to hunt during the day?
Actual legal hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for Zone A are printed in the table. To determine the opening (a.m.) or closing (p.m.) time in another zone, add the minutes shown on the map for the zone to the time from the Zone A Hunting Hours Table. The hunting hours listed in the table reflect Eastern Standard Time, adjusted for daylight-saving time where appropriate. If you are hunting in Gogebic, Iron, Dickinson or Menominee counties (Central Standard Time), you must make an additional adjustment to the printed time by subtracting one hour.
Zone A Hunting Hours
Hunting hours listed are one half-hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset
(adjusted for daylight savings time).
Hunting methods for bear.
What equipment can I use to harvest a bear?
You may use a bow and arrow, a crossbow or a firearm.
I want to hunt with a crossbow. What kind of bolts and quarrels can I shoot? You may only use bolts and quarrels at least 14 inches in length, tipped with a broadhead point at least 7/8 inch wide.
Can I use a crossbow during the period when firearms are prohibited in the Lower Peninsula BMUs?
Yes, Oct. 7 – 13 in the Baldwin, Gladwin, and Red Oak BMUs, you may hunt bear with a bow and arrow or crossbow.
I have a concealed pistol license. Am I allowed to carry my pistol while hunting?
Yes. The prohibition on carrying any other type of firearm does not apply to pistols carried under authority of a concealed pistol license, or under a specific exception from the CPL requirement.
I’m a nonresident. What documentation do I need to carry a handgun in Michigan?
You must own and have in your possession either a concealed pistol license or a license to purchase, carry, or transport issued by your home state to legally carry or transport a handgun in Michigan.
I’m planning on using a firearm to bear hunt. Do I have to wear hunter orange? Yes, you must wear a cap, hat, vest, jacket, or rain gear of hunter orange. The hunter orange garments must be your outermost layer and be visible from all sides. Hunter orange includes camouflage that is not less than 50 percent hunter orange.
If I use archery equipment to bear hunt, do I have to wear hunter orange?
No, you are exempt from the hunter orange requirement, but it is encouraged for safety purposes.
Michigan hunting seasons for deer in 2022-2023.
- Liberty Hunt: September 10-11, 2022
- Youth and Hunters With Disabilities Hunt
- Early Antlerless Firearm: Sept. 17-18, 2022
- Independence Hunt: Oct. 13-16, 2022
- Archery: Oct. 1 – Nov. 14 and Dec. 1 – Jan. 1, 2023
- Regular Firearm: Nov. 15-30
- Muzzleloading:
- Zone 1: Dec. 2-11, 2022
- Zone 2: Dec. 2-11, 2022
- Zone 3: Dec. 2-11, 2022
- Late Antlerless Firearm:
- Dec. 12, 2022 – Jan.1, 2023
Michigan hunting season for elk in 2022-2023.

Pheasant, quail, and grouse hunting seasons in Michigan.
Pheasant (male only):
- Zone 1 (male only)
- Oct. 10 – Oct. 31
- Zone 2, 3 (male only)
- Oct. 20 – Nov. 14
- Zone 1 portions open to hunting (either sex)
- Oct. 10 – Oct. 31
- Zone 2, 3 portions open to hunting (either sex)
- Oct. 20 – Feb. 28
- December Pheasant MU
- Dec. 1 – Jan. 1
Quail: Oct. 20 – Nov. 14
Ruffed Grouse: Sept. 15 – Nov. 14 and Dec. 1 – Jan. 1
Sharp-tailed Grouse: Oct. 10-31
Michigan hunting seasons for turkey.
Fall Season: Sept. 15 through Nov. 14, 2022