What are the laws for hunting fox in North Dakota? This article covers many of the fundamental laws you will need to know to get started. It also provides information such as seasons, harvest limits, and required permits for bobcat hunting in North Dakota. It is not a legal document and is not intended to cover all hunting laws and regulations.

In North Dakota, there is no closed season for day hunting of red and gray fox. Night hunting is allowed from November 22nd to March 15th. Night hunting furbearers during the time from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise must be done exclusively on foot. There are no bag limits.
Purchase a North Dakota hunting license here.
Check out all the North Dakota Hunting Seasons.
First time hunting fox? Check out these articles:
Read: How to call in a fox.
Read: How to use tracks and scat to hunt a fox.
Related: Read the laws for hunting coyotes in North Dakota.
Related: Read the laws for hunting bobcats in North Dakota.
Is hunting fox at night in North Dakota legal?
Yes, fox hunting night hours are part of a separate fox hunting season in North Dakota.
If this is your first time hunting fox at night, I recommend the following articles:
- What color light to use for hunting predators—click here.
- The best infrared scope for new predator hunters—click here.
- The best thermal scope for new predator hunters.
Hunting fox in North Dakota with electronic callers and decoys.
Predator callers and decoys. Are legal to use.
If you are unfamiliar with mouth and hand calls, here’s two articles with instructional videos that will help you learn to use them.
Check electronic predator caller prices here.
Need more land to hunt? Read here to discover 8 ways to get permission to hunt private property.
North Dakota fox hunting license and permit requirements.
Residents must possess the following licenses:
· Fishing, Hunting, and Furbearer Certificate
· Furbearer License (not required of residents under age 16), or
· Combination License (includes Small Game, General Game and Habitat, Furbearer, and Fishing licenses).
Military – Upon presentation of valid leave papers and a valid North Dakota operator’s license, a resident who is on leave and is an active duty as a member of the United States armed forces or the United States merchant marine may hunt small game, fish, or trap during the open season without a license.
Nonresidents must possess the following licenses:
Nonresident Fishing, Hunting, and Furbearer Certificate
Nonresident Furbearer and Nongame License (to hunt) or Nonresident Reciprocal Trapping License (to take with traps or cable devices).
Can you shoot a fox on your property in North Dakota?
Depredating fur-bearing animals – Destruction and disposition.
A landowner or tenant or that person’s agent may catch or kill any wild fur-bearing animal that is committing depredations upon that person’s poultry, domestic animals, or crops, except a landowner or tenant or that person’s agent shall notify and obtain the approval of the director before catching or killing a black bear. A landowner or tenant or that person’s agent may not commercialize in, sell, or ship an animal or the pelt or any part of an animal caught or killed under this section if caught or killed during the closed season. A person catching or killing a black bear or mountain lion under this section shall report the capture or killing to the department within twenty-four hours, and the entire animal must be turned over to the department.
Hunting fox in North Dakota near occupied buildings.
Hunting near occupied buildings without permission is unlawful.
No person may hunt or pursue game upon the premises of another, within four hundred forty yards [402.34 meters] of any occupied building, without consent of the person occupying such building.
Hunting game on lands having unharvested crops unlawful.
It is unlawful to hunt or pursue game in unharvested cereal or oilseed crops without the permission of the owner or tenant. Cereal crops include alfalfa, clover, and other grasses grown for seed. Oilseed crops include sunflower, safflower, rapeseed or canola, crambe, soybeans, and flax.
Fence gates to be closed – Penalty – Violator’s hunting license forfeited.
A person who opens a gate or bars in a fence enclosing farm premises may not leave such gate or bars open unless the person is in lawful possession of the premises. If a person violates this section while hunting, that person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor, and that person’s hunting license must be forfeited for the remainder of the then-current hunting season. A summary of the provisions of this section must be printed on each general game and fur-bearer license.
Can you hunt fox in North Dakota with a suppressor?
Suppressor and short-barreled rifles are allowed for hunting.
1. An individual in lawful possession of a device that will silence or deaden the sound or natural report of a firearm when the firearm is discharged may hunt any game for which the individual is licensed and for which a firearm is allowed with that device for or attached to the firearm.
2. An individual in lawful possession of a short-barreled rifle may hunt any game for which the individual is licensed and for which a rifle is allowed.