What are the laws for hunting fox in Missouri? This article covers many of the fundamental laws you will need to know to get started. It also provides information such as seasons, harvest limits, and required permits for bobcat hunting in Missouri. It is not a legal document and is not intended to cover all hunting laws and regulations.

In Missouri, fox hunting season runs from November 15 to January 31. A valid hunting license is required. There are no seasonal or daily bag limits.
Purchase a Missouri hunting license.
See the entire Missouri hunting and trapping season.
First time hunting fox? Check out these articles:
Read: How to call in a fox.
Read: How to use tracks and scat to hunt a fox.
Related: Read the laws for hunting coyotes in Missouri.
Related: Read the laws for hunting bobcats in Missouri.
The laws for hunting fox in Missouri.
Can you use decoys and electronic callers while fox hunting in Missouri?
Electronic calls or electronically activated calls may be used.
Check prices for electronic callers on Amazon here.
Amazon sells a variety of predator hunting decoys here.
Is hunting fox in Missouri legal with a suppressor?
Silencers are legal in Missouri. Hunting? Silencers are legal for hunting both game and non-game animals in Missouri. Relevant laws: Mo. Rev. Stat. § 571.020 makes it illegal to possess a silencer “in violation of federal law.” However, the law is silent with regard to hunting.
Is night hunting fox legal in Missouri?
No. In addition, you may not possess night vision or thermal imagery equipment while carrying a firearm, bow, or other implements used to take wildlife. (See special allowed methods for the coyote.)
However: MDC notes that property owners and their representatives can still use night vision, infrared, thermal imaging equipment, or artificial light to kill coyotes or other wildlife causing property damage at any time of the year with written authorization from a conservation agent.
Can you kill a fox destroying livestock in Missouri.
Outside of the legal fox hunting season, the answer is foggy.
Wildlife Code under 3 CSR 10-4.130, states:
“Subject to federal regulations governing the protection of property from migratory birds, any wildlife except deer, turkey, black bears and endangered species which beyond a reasonable doubt is damaging property may be captured or killed by the owner of the property being damaged, or by his/her representative at any time and without permit, but only by shooting or trapping… Wildlife may be so controlled only on the owner’s property to prevent further damage.
Wildlife so killed or captured must be reported to an agent of the department within twenty-four hours and disposed of according to his/her instructions. Deer, turkey, black bears and endangered species that are causing damage may be killed only with the permission of an agent of the department and by methods authorized by him/her.”
Your should always contact your local game warden or animal control officer before proceeding.