What are the laws for hunting fox in Kentucky? This article covers many of the fundamental laws you will need to know to get started. It also provides information such as seasons, harvest limits, and required permits for bobcat hunting in Kentucky. It is not a legal document and is not intended to cover all hunting laws and regulations.

In Kentucky, fox hunting season for red and gray fox runs from one-half hour before sunrise on Nov. 15, 2022, to Feb. 28, 2023, daylight hours only. A valid hunting license is required. There are no daily or seasonal bag limits.
Purchase a Kentucky hunting license here.
Check out the Kentucky hunting seasons.
First time hunting fox? Check out these articles:
Read: How to call in a fox.
Read: How to use tracks and scat to hunt a fox.
Related: Read the laws for hunting coyotes in Kentucky.
Related: Read the laws for hunting bobcats in Kentucky.
Legal methods an equipment for hunting fox in Kentucky.
- Centerfire or rimfire gun.
- Muzzle-loading rifle or handgun.
- Muzzle-loading or breechloading shotguns no larger than 10 gauge. Breech-loading shotguns must be plugged to hold a maximum of three shells (two in magazine and one in chamber). There is no limit on shot size. Shotguns must be shoulder-fired.
- Shotshells with a single projectile may only be used during daylight hours.
- Bow and arrow or crossbow.
- Air guns with pellets that are at least .22 caliber in size.
- Electronic calls or electronically activated decoys may be used.
Read this article and watch the video to learn how to use a closed reed rabbit squealer.
Follow along as call manufacturer Brian Rush shows you three open reed calls you can learn and use today.
You can read about some highly effective but inexpensive ($20) decoys here.
Check prices for electronic callers on Amazon here.
Amazon sells a variety of predator hunting decoys here.
Is hunting fox in Kentucky legal with a suppressor?
Silencers are legal for hunting both game and non-game animals in Kentucky.
Buying and selling fox pelts.
There is no time restriction on the holding of raw furs of furbearers by a trapper or hunter after the close of furbearer season. Raw furs may be sold only to licensed taxidermists, licensed fur buyers or licensed fur processors.
Free youth week for fox hunting in Kentucky.
Resident and nonresident youth hunters and trappers ages 15 and younger may hunt and trap applicable game and furbearers, and hunt migratory birds in season without a hunting or trapping license for seven consecutive days starting the Saturday after Christmas.
Please refer to the hunter orange clothing law section for guidelines.
Youth hunters must comply with all equipment regulations and bag limits for furbearers when hunting or trapping. Hunter education is not required for license-exempt hunters. Adults accompanying youth hunters/trappers during the free youth hunting and trapping week do not need a license if they are not hunting/trapping.
Can you kill a property destroying fox on your land in Kentucky?
You should always check with your local game warden or animal control officer before removing a fox in Kentucky without a license or when fox season is closed. When you do ask about KRS 150.170.
KRS 150.170 states: ”landowners may deal with nuisance wildlife through scare tactics, repellents, fencing and exclusion, or removal via shooting or trapping. Contact a KDFWR Law Enforcement Officer or Wildlife Biologist in your area for assistance.”