What are the laws for hunting fox in Kansas? This article covers many of the fundamental laws you will need to know to get started. It also provides information such as seasons, harvest limits, and required permits for bobcat hunting in Kansas. It is not a legal document and is not intended to cover all hunting laws and regulations.

In Iowa, the hunting season for Swift, Red, and Gray foxes runs from 12:01 November 18th to midnight of February 15th. There are no daily or seasonal bag limits. A valid hunting license is required.
Purchase a license here: https://ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Applications-and-Fees.
Check out the Kansas hunting seasons.
First time hunting fox? Check out these articles:
Read: How to call in a fox.
Read: How to use tracks and scat to hunt a fox.
Related: Read the laws for hunting coyotes in Kansas.
Related: Read the laws for hunting bobcats in Kansas.
General laws for hunting fox in Kansas.
Suppressors. Legal and may be used for hunting.
Electronic callers. Mouth, hand, and electronic calling devices are legal in Kansas for fox hunting.
Check prices on Amazon for predator callers here.
Decoys. Allowed for fox calling.
Read this article and watch the video to learn how to use a closed reed rabbit squealer.
Follow along as call manufacturer Brian Rush shows you three open reed calls you can learn and use today.
You can read about some highly effective but inexpensive ($20) decoys here.
You can check Amazon’s price list for callers and decoys here.
Is night hunting fox in Kansas legal?
Fox hunting at night is legal. If hunting at night, please get in touch with your local game warden as a courtesy.
Electronic callers. All mouth, hand, and electronic callers are legal to use when hunting fox in Kansas.
Lights, night vision, infrared, and thermal riflescopes. Use of these devices is illegal for fox hunting in Kansas. This limits night hunting to night with a bright moon or hunting animals on snow.
Required licenses to hunt fox in Kansas.
Persons born on or after July 1, 1966, must complete a furharvester education course approved by KDWP to purchase a furharvester license to hunt, run, or trap furbearers or trap coyotes on lands other than their own. Course information: (620) 672-5911 or ksoutdoors.com.
A furharvester license is required to hunt, trap, or pursue (run) furbearing animals, or to sell their pelts. A furharvester license is required to trap coyotes, and a hunting license is required to hunt them. The same license required to take coyotes is required to sell their pelts.
Unlicensed, non-participating observers may accompany a licensed furharvester but may not carry or use equipment, control dogs, or otherwise assist with furharvesting activities.
Residents 15 and younger may purchase a junior furharvester license at a reduced price. Youth 13 and younger accompanied by a licensed furharvester are exempt.