What are the laws for hunting fox in Arkansas this year? This article covers many of the fundamental laws you will need to know to get started. It also provides information such as seasons, harvest limits, and required permits for hunting fox in Arkansas. It is not a legal document and is not intended to cover all hunting laws and regulations.

In Arkansas, Gray and Red foxes may be hunted statewide from September 1 to February 28, 2022. Legal weapons include archery equipment, rifles, and shotguns. A license is required, and there is a bag limit of two per day.
Purchase an Arkansas hunting license here.
Check out all Arkansas hunting seasons.
First time hunting fox? Check out these articles:
Read: How to call in a fox.
Read: How to use tracks and scat to hunt a fox.
Did you know you can hunt coyotes in Arkansas? Read this article on the laws for hunting coyotes in Arkansas.
And here you can read the laws for hunting bobcats in Arkansas.
General laws and regulations for hunting fox in Arkansas.
Electronic callers and decoys. According to Arkansasonline these tools are legal to use for hunting furbearers, as are hand and mouth callers. You should check with your local game warden to determine if any changes have been made to the law before using.
While electronic callers are expensive, mouth and hand callers are less pricey but take time to learn how to use.
Read this article and watch the video to learn how to use a closed reed rabbit squealer.
You can read about some highly effective but inexpensive ($20) decoys here.
You can check Amazon’s price list for callers and decoys here.
Suppressors. If you may legally possess one, you may use it for hunting fox.
Predator Control Permit for hunting fox in Arkansas.
Permit Purpose
To allow landowners or managers to control populations of certain wildlife species as part of a program to help other species of wildlife.
Permit Terms
- All permit holders must have a hunting license.
- Permit is valid for use on private land outside of city limits on which the permit holder is the owner, immediate family of owner, lessee or have written permission from the landowner or lessee of the land upon which the permit will be used.
- Permit holders may use firearms to shoot bobcat, coyote, gray fox, opossum, raccoon, red fox, and striped skunk during the day or night outside of the regular hunting seasons for these species. Lights may be used to assist in taking these species with this permit, however restrictions on use of lights from roads still apply. There are no restrictions on the use of firearms except that it is unlawful to hunt raccoon, opossum, or bobcat at night with any rifled slug or shot size larger than No. T, or with any rifle or handgun ammunition other than rimfire ammunition of .22 caliber or smaller. Additionally, general prohibitions on the use of military ball or full metal jacket ammunition to take wildlife still apply.
- Permit holders may trap bobcat, coyote, gray fox, opossum, raccoon, red fox, and striped skunk outside of the regular trapping season. Trapping must be done in accordance with Commission Codes 17.01, 17.02 and 17.03.
- Permits are valid from July 1-June 30th.
- Persons having hunting/trapping privileges revoked are not eligible to obtain or continue to use a Predator Control Permit.
Hunter orange required when hunting fox in Arkansas?
- Hunters and those accompanying hunters in areas where modern gun or muzzleloader deer, bear or elk seasons are open must wear at least 400 square inches of hunter orange, chartreuse or blaze camouflage above the waist and a head garment of those same
safety colors. Safety colors are not required for migratory bird hunters in these areas.
How close to a residence can you hunt fox in Arkansas?
- Hunters who own or lease property may hunt on that property, regardless of distance to another person’s residence.
- However, all other hunters using firearms within 150 yards of a residence or using archery equipment within 50 yards of a residence must have written permission from the owner or occupant of that residence.
Related: Learn how to get permission to hunt more properties here.
Related: Learn how to avoid over hunting a property here.