Want to know the laws for hunting bobcats in South Carolina? This article covers many of the fundamental laws you will need to know to get started. It also provides information such as seasons, harvest limits, and required permits for bobcat hunting in South Carolina. It is not a legal document and is not intended to cover all hunting laws and regulations.

In South Carolina, the bobcat hunting season is November 25 through March 1. A license is required, and there are no bag limits.
Purchase a South Carolina hunting license here.
Check out all of the South Carolina hunting seasons.
If this is your first time hunting bobcats, please give these two articles a read.
How to read and age bobcat sign.
Three vital tips for a successful bobcat hunt.
Related: You can also hunt coyotes in this state. Learn the rules for hunting coyotes in South Carolina.
Related: Learn the rules for hunting fox in South Carolina.
General laws for hunting bobcats in South Carolina.
Electronic callers. It is illegal to hunt, catch, take, kill or attempt to hunt, catch, take or kill any game bird or game animal with the aid of recorded calls or sounds or recorded or electronically amplified imitations of calls or sounds (50-11-40). Crows, coyotes, or hogs are not game birds/animals and therefore can be hunted using electronic calls on private lands and WMA lands.
There is no regulation against using hand or mouth callers.
Read this article and watch the video to learn how to use a closed reed rabbit squealer.
Night Hunting. Night hunting is unlawful except that raccoons, opossums, foxes, mink, skunk, coyotes, armadillos, and hogs may be hunted at night.
Suppressors. In South Carolina, you can use your silencer for hunting, or any other legal use.
Sunday hunting. Hunting is prohibited on Sundays on all WMA lands. On private lands statewide, Sunday hunting for all game is legal.
Can I kill a bobcat on my property in South Carolina?
According to: SC Code § 50-11-1050 (2020)
Where wildlife is destroying property, the department, upon the property owner’s request, may issue a permit authorizing the property owner, under the supervision of the department, to take action necessary to remove the destructive wildlife from his property.
Depredation permits may be issued at any time of the year by the SCDNR for the taking of furbearing animals that are destroying or damaging private or public property, wildlife habitat, game species, timber, crops, or other agriculture to be a nuisance or for scientific, research, or for wildlife management purposes. There is no cost for this permit. Animals captured under a depredation permit may not be relocated, sold, traded, exchanged, or bartered.
A depredation permit or license is not required by the property owner, or his or her designee when capturing furbearing animals or squirrels within one hundred yards of the owner’s home when the animals are causing damage to the owner’s property. Animals captured under this exemption may not be relocated and must be released on-site or destroyed.
Do not drink and hunt in South Carolina.
Under ARTICLE 6: Using a Firearm While Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Controlled Substance
SECTION 23-31-400. Definitions; unlawful use of firearm; violations.
(A) As used in this article:
(1) “Use a firearm” means to discharge a firearm.
(2) “Serious bodily injury” means a physical condition which creates a substantial risk of death, serious personal disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member or organ.
(B) It is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance to use a firearm in this State.
(C) A person who violates the provisions of subsection (B) is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than two thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than two years.
(D) This article does not apply to persons lawfully defending themselves or their property.