Were you thinking about hunting bobcats in Georgia this year? In this article, you’ll find some of the more important legal requirements you’ll need to adhere to. However, as with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations are subject to change. It is your responsibility to check for updates.

In Georgia, the bobcat hunting season runs from Dec. 1-Feb. 28. A license is required, but there are no daily or seasonal bag limits.
Purchase a Georgia hunting license here.
Check out the Georgia hunting seasons.
Related: Learn the rules for hunting coyotes in Georgia here.
Related: Learn the rules for hunting fox in Georgia.
Related: Click here to read the three vital tips for successful bobcat hunting.
Laws for hunting bobcats in Georgia.
Access to all the Georgia hunting rules.
Night hunting bobcats in Georgia is legal.
Lights and night vision, infrared, and thermal riflescopes regulations.
Thermal and night vision scopes. There does not appear to be a law against their use. This is a regulation that should be checked annually.
Using a simple scope-mounted light is inexpensive but an exciting way to hunt coyotes. Read this article to choose the right color of light for night-hunting predators.
Infrared scopes have their value (better target identification than thermal), but they can get pricey. Beginners should consider the ATN X-Sight 4K Pro, but read this article before buying one.
A thermal riflescope will set you back thousands of dollars. It would be best if you waited until you have determined you are addicted to bobcat or predator hunting before buying one. For new hunters, I recommend the ATN Thor 4 (good for up to 150 yards). Please check out my article on ATN Thor 4 scope before buying one.
Suppressors are legal. You may use it while hunting bobcats.
Electronic callers are illegal. Only hand and mouth calls may be used to hunt bobcats in Georgia.
Read this article and watch the video to learn how to use a closed reed rabbit squealer.
Follow along as call manufacturer Brian Rush shows you three open reed calls you can learn and use today.
Decoys are legal. You can read about some highly effective but inexpensive ($20) coyotes decoys here.
Illegal methods of hunting bobcats in Georgia.
- Hunting private property without permission.
- Hunting while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Killing or crippling game without reasonable efforts to retrieve.
- Hunting or shooting from or across a public road.
- Hunting from a vehicle, plane, or boat under power.
- Use of a computer or any other device to remotely discharge a firearm for the purpose of hunting.
- Use of drugs, poisons, chemicals, smoke, gas, explosives, or electronically-amplified sounds to hunt any game species.
- Use of electronic communications equipment to aid in the pursuit of game.
- Discharging a firearm within 50 yards of a public road.
- Blinding wildlife with lights.
Can you kill a property destroying bobcat on your land?
With a lack of any clearly defined regulation—we suggest you contact you r local game warden or animal control officer.
Related: Want to confirm a bobcat has been on your property? Read this article on how to read bobcat sign.
We used the GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES REGULATION handbook for much of the research for this article. We were unable to locate any requirement for even reporting a bobcat taken while hunting. There is a requirement for reporting and pelt tagging for trappers who take bobcats.
How much does it cost to go bobcat hunting in Georgia?
Prices for a guided bobcat hunt will vary due to a variety of circumstances.
Please note: There is no relationship between the companies listed below and Thepredatorhunter.com.
Here are some outfitters located in Georgia that offer guided bobcat hunting.
Russell Outdoor Guides. This service offers an online pricing tool.