If you are interested in hunting bobcats in West Virginia, here are some laws. This list isn’t complete, and it is subject to change. Remember: It is your responsibility to hunt legally and safely at all times. This article is for informational purposes only.

Bobcat season in West Virginia runs from November 4, 2023 to February 29, 2024. A license is required, and there is a seasonal limit of 3 bobcats. Daily and season bag limit of 3. Night hunting bobcats is prohibited.
In 2022, the hunting dates were Nov. 6, 2022 to Feb. 28, 2023.
Purchase a West Virginia hunting license here.
Check out all of the West Virginia hunting seasons.
Related: New to bobcat hunting? Read how to hunt bobcats.
Related: Interested in hunting coyotes in West Virginia?
Related: Learn the rules for hunting fox in West Virginia.
If you are a property owner with a predator problem, please visit Coyote Cowboys Predator Control for tips or services.
Rules for hunting bobcats in West Virginia.
Only day hunting hours are allowed for bobcat:
Furbearing animals in West Virginia include mink, weasels, muskrat, beaver, opossum, skunk, otter, gray fox, red fox, bobcat, raccoon, fisher, and coyote. All these species may be trapped during their respective open seasons in West Virginia.
Only opossum, skunk, gray fox, red fox, bobcat, raccoon and coyote may be hunted with firearms or archery equipment. Night hunting with appropriate lights is allowed except for hunting bobcats, which is limited to daytime hunting only.
Suppressors are legal for bobcat hunting in West Virginia.
Daytime use is permitted with proper federal regulations having been met.
Illegal hunting methods in West Virginia.
Hunt in state parks (except as otherwise designated), in safety zones in state forests or wildlife management areas, and in Harpers Ferry National Historical Park.
Shoot, hunt, or trap upon the fenced, enclosed, purple paint marked or posted lands of another person without having in possession written permission from the landowner.
Have a bow with a nocked arrow, a crossbow with a nocked bolt, a rifle or shotgun with cartridges that have not been removed or a magazine that has not been detached, in or on any vehicle or conveyance (including AT Vs./UTVs) or its attachments. You can have a loaded clip or magazine in the vehicle as long as it is not in or attached to the firearm. Exception for legally carried concealed weapons.
Carry an uncased or loaded firearm in the woods of this state or in state parks, state forests, state wildlife management areas, or state rail trails, except during open firearms hunting seasons
where hunting is lawful.
It is legal to hunt unprotected species of wild animals, wild birds and migratory game birds during the open season in fields, waters, and marshes of the state where hunting is lawful.
Hunt with a fully automatic firearm.
Hunt small game in counties having a buck firearms season during the first three days of this season. It is legal to hunt waterfowl during this period on lakes, rivers, and waterways during the open waterfowl season, to hunt bear in specified counties, and to hunt coyotes.
Hunt deer, bear, or boar between 1/2 hour after sunset and 1/2 hour before sunrise or with an electronic call.
Hunt deer, bear, or boar between 1/2 hour after sunset and 1/2 hour before sunrise or with an electronic call.
Be afield with a gun and bow, or with a gun and any arrow, except that a handgun, rifle, or shotgun may be carried, by whom is not prohibited from possessing firearms under state or federal law.
Is blaze orange needed to hunt bobcats in West Virginia?
Blaze Orange Requirement
Persons hunting in counties or portions thereof where a deer firearms season is presently open shall wear a blaze orange outer garment of at least 400 square inches.
This applies to counties or parts thereof with the special youth/Class Q/QQ/XS antlerless deer season. This applies to the Mountaineer Heritage Season.
This does not apply to waterfowl hunters and persons engaged in farming activities on their own land.
Bobcats pelts must be tagged in West Viginia.
Bobcat hunters and trappers and otter trappers should obtain a plastic Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) seal for each bobcat and/or otter pelt they plan to sell out of state. All bobcat and/or otter pelts being sold by licensed fur dealers must have a CITES seal from the state where the animal was harvested before being sold on the international market. CITES seals are only available at DNR offices (see
inside front cover).
Trappers shall electronically register beaver, bobcat, otter, and fisher pelts within 30 days after the close of the respective trapping season. The DNR-issued game tag number shall be recorded in writing with the trapper’s name and address or on a field tag and shall be attached and remain attached to each beaver, bobcat, otter, and fisher pelt until it has been sold, tanned, processed into commercial fur or mounted.
A person may not ship or transport any raw furs, pelts, skins, carcasses, carcass parts, including skulls, claws, bones, and urine of wild furbearers outside of the state unless such shipment has a special shipping tag visibly attached. Shipping tags must be obtained from the DNR. One part shall be attached to the outside of the package or container, and the other part completed and returned to the DNR within 24 hours of shipping furs out of state.
The dealer or buyer of raw furs, pelts, skins, carcasses, carcass parts, including skulls, claws, and bones, and urine of furbearers in this state shall have a dealer’s license and shall submit to the Director a completed fur dealer transaction report as provided by the Director.
You must have your DNR ID number (valid for your lifetime) to check big game, beaver, otter, fisher, and bobcat successfully.
TIP: Hunters and trappers need to make sure their DNR ID account is updated with current information and password before going afield.
• have in possession an untagged beaver, bobcat, otter, or fisher pelt or parts thereof, after 30 days following the close of the respective season.
All hunters must check big game electronically in one of three ways:
• online at WVdnr.gov
• at a licensed agent
• by calling 844-WVcheck (844-982-4325).
How much does it cost to go hunting bobcats in West Virginia?
Prices for a guided bobcat hunt will vary due to a variety of circumstances.
Please note: There is no relationship between the companies listed below and Thepredatorhunter.com.
Here are some outfitters located in West Virginia that offer guided bobcat hunting.