Thinking about hunting bobcats in North Dakota this year? This article covers many of the fundamental laws you will need to know to get started. It also provides information such as seasons, harvest limits, and required permits for bobcat hunting in North Dakota. It is not a legal document and is not intended to cover all hunting laws and regulations.

In North Dakota, the bobcat season for 2022 in Zone 1 ran from November 6 until March 15, 2022. In Zone 2, it opened on November 22 and was scheduled to close on March 15, 2022. Instead, it closed on January 12, when the seasonal bag limit of 8 was reached.
The bobcat season for 2022-2023 is:
Bobcat Season – West River | Season Dates Start: Dec 26, 2022 End: Feb 15, 2023 | |
Bobcat Season – East River | Season Dates Start: Dec 26, 2022 End: Feb 15, 2023 |
In the 2022-2023 season, nonresident may hunt bobcats during the following season:
Bobcat Season – Nonresidents | Season Dates Start: Jan 14, 2023 End: Feb 15, 2023 |
Always consult the North Dakota bobcat page for updates.
Purchase a North Dakota hunting license here.
Check out all the North Dakota hunting seasons here.
If this is your first time hunting bobcats, please give these two articles a read.
How to read and age bobcat sign.
Three vital tips for a successful bobcat hunt.
Related: You can also hunt coyotes in this state. Learn the rules for hunting coyotes in North Dakota.
Related: Learn the laws for hunting fox in North Dakota.
Can you hunt bobcats in North Dakota with a suppressor?
Suppressor and short-barreled rifle allowed for hunting.
1. An individual in lawful possession of a device that will silence or deaden the sound or natural report of a firearm when the firearm is discharged may hunt any game for which the individual is licensed and for which a firearm is allowed with that device for or attached to the firearm.
2. An individual in lawful possession of a short-barreled rifle may hunt any game for which the individual is licensed and for which a rifle is allowed.
Is hunting bobcats at night in North Dakota legal?
No, bobcat hunting hours are from 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset. See exceptions for fox (red and gray), coyote, beaver and raccoon in species sections.
General rules for hunting bobcats in North Dakota.
Electronic callers are legal.
Read this article and watch the video to learn how to use a closed reed rabbit squealer.
You can check Amazon for electronic predator caller prices here.
Decoys are legal. You can read about some highly effective but inexpensive ($20) coyotes decoys here.
Reporting and tagging requirements. The pelt and carcass of each bobcat must be presented to Department personnel for inspection and tagging no later than 14 days after the close of season, or prior to sale or trans- fer of possession, whichever comes first.
No bobcat pelt will be tagged until the animal is skinned and presented with the intact carcass. The carcass shall remain the property of the Department. No person, taxidermist or fur dealer shall posess or purchase an untagged bobcat. When any part of the animal is mounted, if the tag is removed from the pelt, the tag must be securely fastened to the back or bottom of mount.
Trespassing laws regarding hunting bobcats in North Dakota.
Only the owner or tenant, or an individual authorized by the owner, may post land either electronically or by placing physical signs giving notice that no hunting is permitted on the land. The name of the person posting the land must appear on each physical sign in legible characters.
Physical signs must be readable from the outside of the land and must be placed conspicuously not more than 880 yards (one-half mile) apart. For land entirely enclosed by a fence or other enclosure, posting of signs at or on all gates through the fence or enclosure constitutes a posting of all the enclosed land.
It is illegal to hunt on posted lands without permission from the owner or tenant. Hunting on posted land without permission can be prosecuted even if the land is not posted to the letter of the law. Trespass is a criminal violation punishable by suspension of hunting, fishing and trapping privileges for a period of at least one year.
It is illegal to hunt upon the premises of another within 440 yards (one-quarter mile) of any occupied building without the consent of the person occupying the building. This does not prohibit hunting on land owned by neighbors (private or public) even if the land is less than 440 yards (one-quarter mile) from the occupied building.
Any person may enter upon legally posted land (without a firearm or bow) to recover game shot or killed on land where he/she had a lawful right to hunt. It is illegal to hunt in unharvested cereal and oilseed crops, including sprouted winter wheat, alfalfa, clover and other grasses grown for seed, without the owner’s consent.
It is illegal to deface, take down or destroy posting signs.
Failure to close gates upon exit or entry is a criminal violation, punishable by forfeiture of hunting licenses.
Written permission must be secured from landowners or operators before placing or setting any traps or cable devices on private land, including PLOTS lands. The owner or operator may determine the length of time permission is granted.