Will you be hunting bobcats in Nebraska this year? This article covers many of the fundamental laws you will need to know to get started. It also provides information such as seasons, harvest limits, and required permits for bobcat hunting in Nebraska. It is not a legal document and is not intended to cover all hunting laws and regulations.

In Nebraska, the bobcat hunting season runs from 12:01 a.m. on Dec. 1 until the last day of February. A valid license, a Fur Harvest permit, and a Habitat Stamp are required. There is no bag limit.
Purchase a Nebraska hunting permit here.
If this is your first time hunting bobcats, please give these two articles a read.
How to read and age bobcat sign.
Three vital tips for a successful bobcat hunt.
Related: Learn the rules for hunting coyotes in Nebraska.
Related: Read the laws for hunting fox in Nebraska.
General laws for hunting bobcats in Nebraska
Electronic callers are legal.
Read this article and watch the video to learn how to use a closed reed rabbit squealer.
You can check Amazon for electronic predator caller prices here.
Decoys are legal. You can read about some highly effective but inexpensive ($20) coyotes decoys here.
Night hunting bobcats in Nebraska.
Using lights while hunting bobcats on foot is permitted.
Artificial lights may be used only while hunting on foot to take unprotected species, including coyotes andthe following furbearers: badger, bobcat, gray fox, long-tailed weasel, mink, Virginia opossum, raccoon, Red fox and striped skunk.
They may not be used to take any of these species if used from or attached to avehicle or boat.
There are no regulations regarding the use of night vision or thermal riflescopes to be found in NEBRASKA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: Title 163 – Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Chapter 4 – Wildlife Regulations (Last Approved Date: April 29, 2021).
All regulations regarding lights and electronic rifles scopes are specifically linked to game animals and birds, not furbearers.
Hunting wildlife with artificial light; unlawful acts; exception; violation; penalty.
(1) Except as provided in section 37-4,107, it shall be unlawful to hunt any wildlife by projecting or casting the rays of a spotlight, headlight, or other artificial light attached to or used from a vehicle or boat in any field, pasture, woodland, forest, prairie, water area, or other area which may be inhabited by wildlife while having in possession or control, either singly or as one of a group of persons, any firearm or bow and arrow.
(2) Nothing in this section shall prohibit (a) the hunting on foot of raccoon with the aid of a handlight, (b) the hunting of species of wildlife not protected by the Game Law in the protection of property by landowners or operators or their regular employees on land under their control on foot or from a motor vehicle with the aid of artificial light, or (c) the taking of nongame fish by means of bow and arrow from a vessel with the aid of artificial light.
(3) Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor and shall be fined at least two hundred fifty dollars upon conviction.
With artificial lights, night vision, infrared, and thermal scopes available, the choice is up to you and your budget.
Related: Going the budget route? Make sure you pick the right color lens.
Related: Infrared riflescopes for new predator hunter good for 200 yards? Check out this article.
Related: Thinking you want a low budget thermal good for 150 yards? Check out this article.
Using private land while bobcat hunting in Nebraska.
Much of the land in Nebraska is privately owned. Hunters can typically freely take game animals hunted on their own private property, or may seek permission from a landowner to hunt on private property.
Hunters who wish to take game on privately owned land must follow state hunting regulations as well as any regulations specified by the landowner. Hunters must ensure they respect the rights and property of the landowner at all times. Trespassing on private land is Nebraska is prohibited.
Related: Don’t over hunt the land you have! Read this article.
Related: How far apart should your stand be? Find out here.
Related: Need access to more properties? Find out how to ask for permission here.
Using public land while hunting bobcats in Nebraska.
There are nearly 800,000 acres of public land within the state of Nebraska, much of which is open to hunting. The state purchased nearly 50,000 acres of public land space due to the Nebraska Habitat Stamp program, meaning it wouldn’t be accessible to hunters without their contributions to the program.
While public land space in Nebraska encompasses only 2% of the state’s total land access, there’s still no shortage of hunting space. Public lands that may be accessible to hunters within the state include Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), State Parks and Recreation Areas, National Forests, Federal Reservoirs, and Waterfowl Production Areas. To find a land-space open to hunting near you, use the Nebraska Public Access Interactive Atlas.
Can I kill a property destroying bobcat in Nebraska?
Yes, under some circumstances and under Neb. Rev. St. § 37-559 to 563.
In Nebraska, any farmer or rancher owning or operating a farm or ranch may destroy or have destroyed a bobcat preying on livestock or poultry or causing other agricultural depredation on land owned or controlled by him or her without a permit issued by the commission.
As always, please check with your local game warden or animal control officer before proceeding.