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Coyotes with mange suffer a miserable fate. Sarcoptic mange, the result of an infestation caused by Sarcoptes scabies canis, causes severe itching, hair loss, and numerous secondary...
By coyote vs wolf, we mean how to tell the difference between the two. As recent events in New York prove, the wolf is easily mistaken for a coyote by hunters, tourists, and even some wildlife...
All those coyote sounds you hear at night have an explicit meaning. We humans have been listening to and studying the language of the coyote for many decades. That howling coyote somewhere off in the...
Do you know how to tell if that’s coyote poop you found in your yard? Have your heard or seen coyotes in your neighborhood and need to know how to identify coyote scat? If you find poop in your...
Do coyotes hunt in packs? If you google this, you will find a host of poorly written articles that proclaim coyotes do hunt in packs. Why? Well, someone has let their guard down and allowed bloggers...
Living anywhere near Eastern Coyotes, one wonders, what eats coyotes? In New York, our eastern coyote is a large apex predator. The idea that there may be coyote predators that hunt these...