This page of Alaska hunting seasons is updated annually. Most recent update: 2022-2023. While focuses on coyotes and fox it is hoped other game hunters will take up predator hunting as well. We suggest you check out these predator hunting links specific to the state of Alaska:
Purchase a hunting license in Alaska here.
Learn the rules for hunting coyotes in Alaska.
Learn the rules for hunting fox in Alaska.

Alaska hunting seasons: Special notes.
Open season dates for all species vary by zone. Consult the Alaska hunting guide for 2022-2023 before you hunt in Alaska.
Alaska hunting seasons for bear in 2022.
Black bear.
General season: September 1 to June 30.
Brown and Grizzly bear.
There are two general open season date, depending on zone and whether or not a bear may be taken every year, or every four years.
Sept 15-Dec 31
Mar 15-May 31
Alaska hunting seasons for deer In 2022.
While the general season runs from August 1 to December 31, the zone you hunt in and the number you are allowed to take determine the actual season date.
Alaska hunting seasons for goats.
General season runs from August 1 to December 31. Check zone for actual dates.
Moose hunting seasons in Alaska in 2022.
General season runs from September 15 to October 15. Check zone for details.
Wolf hunting seasons in Alaska for 2022.
August 1 to May 31. Check zone for details.
Elk hunting seasons in Alaska
September 1 to November 30.
Alaska hunting seasons for small game.
Arctic fox hunting season in Alaska (including blue and white phases):
Unit 8: Two foxes Sept 1-Feb 15.
Units 9, 17-18, 22-23, and 26: Two foxes Sept 1-Apr 30.
Unit 10: No limit, no closed season.
Units 24 and 25: Two foxes Sept 1-Mar 15.
Red fox hunting season in Alaska (including black, cross, and silver color phases):
Units 1–7, and 15: no open season
Units 8–10, 14, and 16-17: Two foxes.Sept 1-Feb 15
Units 11-13 and 18–26: Ten foxes; however, no more than 2 foxes may be taken before Oct 1. Sept 1-Mar 15.